
Know something about our team

会社名 株式会社バークレオ
設立年月日 平成30年8月4日
本店住所 東京都渋谷区渋谷2-19-15宮益坂ビルディング609
E-mail info★burkleo.net 営業メールは全てお断りしております。ご了承ください。

Our history

Burkeo Co., Ltd. continued for several years each day receiving small projects individually. However, in the last few years more than 30 stakeholders got cooperation and we managed to come.

We are truly blessed with people. What we are treating forever is "trust". We will continue to aim to be a company that you trust everyone.

We hope to create new value in the future and create great change and excitement in society. And in 2011 we will try to go to such a big stage that I could not think about.

Special Thanks to "burkleo"


  • Web Design 20%

  • Web Development 10%

  • Advertising 20%

  • fortune-telling 50%